Happy New Year: Reflections on 2012
Dear Readers,
Thanks for joining me for another year at My Better Nursing Home. When I first began sharing my ideas online about my work as a nursing home psychologist, I considered 2009 The Year of the Blog — an experiment I committed to for one year to see what would happen. By the end of 2009, I had fallen in love with blogging and with the expanded opportunities to help elders and others in long-term care. MBNH continues to be an interesting journey that allows me to challenge myself daily (and hopefully create some new neural pathways to stave off cognitive decline!)
Much of my energy in 2012 went toward realizing my lifelong goal of publishing a book. The Savvy Resident’s Guide became available on Amazon just a few months ago, making 2012 The Year of the Book. I was also pleased to present on Social Media at the APA conference in August and on Mental Health in LTC at the NASRM conference in October, as well as to discuss The Savvy Resident’s Guide on several radio shows in the last few months. I’m now a monthly blogger at Long-Term Living Magazine and a regular contributor to McKnight’s Long-Term Care News, and I’ve been working on a project with the American Medical Directors Association.
It’s been a busy, exciting year and I thank you for reading, commenting, emailing, Liking, Sharing, Tweeting and otherwise encouraging me on my path. Your support means a lot to me!
Best Wishes for a Happy, Healthy New Year!
Dr. El