McKnight’s Free Online Expo 3/14 & 3/15

Posted by Dr. El - March 1, 2017 - McKnight's Long-Term Care News - No Comments

Once again, McKnight’s will host its annual online expo, which is a chance to attend a conference without leaving your desk. Register for the conference in advance, and then log in to hear the talks, visit the vendors, and chat with the reps and attendees.


This year’s topics are:

PAYMENT: ​Medicare compliance update: Are you up to speed? ​March 14th, ​10 a.m. ET
​CAPITAL: ​Following the money in 2017 ​March 14th, ​12 p.m. ET
​QUALITY: ​Strategies for surviving the survey ​March 14th, ​1:30 p.m. ET
​WOUND CARE: ​Accident or Intentional? Assessing patient injuries in long-term care ​March 15th, ​11:30 a.m. ET
​TECHNOLOGY: ​Your data always tell you what to do…are you listening? ​March 15th, ​1 p.m. ET

To register, go to: